Status report

Hello all Bjurö Club friends and good luck in 2025!

Arena Bjuröklubb has completed 2024 without a café and overnight accommodation, but with appreciated activities in collaboration with the chapel association. We continue the work to be able to develop the harbor warehouse area. This requires efforts from Skellefteå Municipality, which have not yet begun.

The board looks forward to suggestions for activities to implement in the 2025 season and we invite you to Annual meeting on Saturday, March 15th at 1:00 PM in Bjurön's Prayer House. We look forward to receiving suggestions and we offer sandwich cake.

We hope that you want to be a member of the association in 2025. You do this by depositing 100 SEK into the Arena Bjuröklubb Association's bank account 5354-6719 (Handelsbanken) and providing your name and address in connection with the deposit.

Or by swish 100 SEK to number: 123 500 0781 and provide your email address when making the deposit.

Welcome to 2025!

For the board of Arena Bjuröklubb through Solveig Larsson, chairwoman

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